North East Vancouver Active Aging Network - NEVAAN


Lead by Frog Hollow and Kiwassa Neighbourhood House, weconnect over 40 organizations to provide integrated support for older adults inNortheast Vancouver.

We collaborate across multiple sectors, including:
Health & Wellness
Community Connection
Food & Nutrition
Housing & more!

We share resources to collectively support the older adultsliving in the Northeast part of Vancouver. To join us or learn more aboutNEVAAN, please contact seniors@froghollow.bc.caor

Organizations that have supported & participated inNEVAAN CIRCLES include:

1. 411 Seniors Society
2. Alzheimer Society of BC
3. BC Preventive Social Prescribing
4. BC Community Response network (BCCRN)
5. BC Centre of Palliative Care
6. Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST)
7. Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House
8. Chinese Community Policing Centre
9. CityReach Care Society
10. Collingwood Neighbourhood House
11. COSCO Seniors' Health and Wellness Institute
12. Disability Alliance BC
13. Division of Family Practice
14. Family Caregivers BC
15. Gordon Neighbourhood House
16. Greater Vancouver Food Bank
17. Hastings Community Centre
18. Home Instead
19. Hopehill (formerly known as Beulah Gardens)
20. Hastings Sunrise Community Food Network (HSCFN)
21. Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre (HSCPC)
22. ICBC
23. iCON, UBC
24. Jewish Service Alliance of Greater Vancouver
25. Kitslano Neighbourhood House
26. MLA Niki Sharma Community Office
27. Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
28. Peoples Law School
29. Reach Clinic
30. Renfrew Care Centre
31. Renfrew Collingwood Seniors Society
32. Self-Management BC
33. Seniors First BC
34. South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
36. Templeton Pool
37. Telus
38. The Learnary
39. Tonari Gumi
40. TransLink
41. VCH
42. VPL
43. WESN
44. Yarrow Society of BC

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