Our community flourishes thanks to the invaluable contributions of our volunteers. We believe in nurturing volunteers through skill-building and mentorship, fostering a deep sense of participation and belonging. Join us in this journey of empowerment and make a lasting impact.

Information & Orientation Sessions

We are hosting monthly Volunteer Information & Orientation Sessions for newly registered volunteers and interested community members.

  • Every 1 st Friday of the month
  • 1 pm – 2 pm, online, via Zoom

What’s in for you:

  • About Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
  • Volunteering at Frog Hollow
  • Rights and responsibilities of volunteering
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Q & A

Questions or to register, email volunteer@froghollow.bc.ca

Thank you for the volunteer opportunity for frogs in the park this summer. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed it. This helped me to get out of my comfort zone and try new things, it also gave me a sense that I belong to this community. I realized again that I like work with kids 🙂 All of your team members are so nice and open minded. I really appreciate that I had a chance to work with them.

Misato Hunter

Volunteer at Frogs in the Park

Seniors Programs-Frogs in the Park


Robyn is originally from Kelowna and moved to Vancouver, where she wanted to connect with the community and learn more. This led Robyn to Frog Hollow, where a volunteer night allowed her to meet members of the Frog Hollow team, who embraced the opportunity to have her join the incredible team of volunteers. Robyn credits Frog Hollow for being “a good community hub” that has given her a ‘community-grounding’ and ‘energizing’ volunteer experience. Click “Read more” to continue…

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The experience has allowed her to meet more people and get to know those who live in the area. Or as Robyn simply puts, a ‘centring’ or ‘grounding’ within the neighbourhood. In particular, she appreciates Frog Hollow’s openness and the space that the neighbourhood house provides for the community.

Participating in the digital support program as a volunteer has been a rewarding experience for Robyn. She acknowledges that navigating the digital world can be difficult for seniors such as her grandfather who often has trouble with technology. Robyn appreciates helping seniors learn about technology. Through community events, she has met fellow volunteers and community members – an experience that has opened doors for Robyn to hear about their stories and their involvement in the community.

She recalls helping out at Frog Hollow’s volunteer dinner – one of the first events she helped out at as a volunteer. Robyn finds it inspiring to be able to meet other volunteers, see everyone come together, and connect with people who are passionate about community and make Frog Hollow what it is today. She alluded to Frog Hollow seeming “really connected to the community”. She explains feeling a connectedness from getting to know people of different generations who go to Frog Hollow, and simply spending time with them.

Reflecting on how her experience at Frog Hollow will help her, Robyn recognizes that being able to know others’ perspectives, learn from them, hear their stories, and interact with them “expands your world a little more”. She has learned how to explain concepts in different ways from the digital support program, while enhancing her problem-solving skills through the experience. She notes that every perspective is valuable in solving problems that arise.

Robyn will soon begin participating in the friendly visits program, a newly launched seniors program that will allow her to continue carrying out her passion for community work while connecting with more seniors in the community.

‘I really appreciate the community and how the community has embraced me’, says Robyn.

Seniors Programs-Frogs in the Park

Chio - a former volunteer, now a volunteer coordinator!

I get that warm feeling of being at home when I share smiles, hugs, jokes, ideas and when I’m lucky to help someone in need. My life has evolved in ways I couldn’t have imagined without volunteering at Frog Hollow.

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A Thank you note to Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
from a former volunteer

As I open my eyes to a new day, stretch my arms as far as they go; listen to my heart, breath in and out, and express gratitude to be present on this beautiful ancestral land and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, I realize how much my life has changed and achieved from the moment I stepped into Frog Hollow that day.

It has been an inspiring journey to be a part of Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House. I started by participating in the La Colmena Spanish program, Family Drop-in, and Nobody is Perfect Program. I started volunteering for the Spanish Group and Gardener Hangouts through referrals, which led to substituting a dear friend and mentor at Frog Hollow. Now, I am working as a Family Programmer and Volunteer Coordinator at Frog Hollow, passing on the magic, which has changed me, to others in the community.

Volunteering at Frog Hollow has given me the strength, confidence and guidance to find myself as a woman, mother, friend and person who now stands without fear or heaviness from losing their identity in a new place, new land, new culture. I have built a network and met new friends and people I call now my family in this beautiful land, which sometimes feels foreign. Yet, it embraces me even more and reminds me I belong here every time I give back to my community.

I get that warm feeling of being at home when I share smiles, hugs, jokes, ideas and when I’m lucky to help someone in need. My life has evolved in ways I couldn’t have gained without volunteering at Frog Hollow.

By surrounding myself with the amazing and loving staff team at Frog Hollow, I experienced the impact of kindness, a smile, time spent with neighbours or creating a safe space to talk has had on this community: we are stronger and healthier together.

I am deeply thankful to the people who have helped and made me thrive over the years at Frog Hollow community; you are my “familia” and my light when darkness comes.

Now I can embrace darkness because I know I’ll have the community by my side. We can walk together to find new roads to build our lives. We will meet new people on the journey, and let’s light our paths together.

Seniors Programs-Frogs in the Park

Jose: Food Security Volunteer

I remember my mom..we weren’t rich… when I was a kid… my mom was really generous. (If) she had a loaf of bread; she would be sharing half with somebody. We didn’t have much bread; she never had an issue with that (sharing with others)…and basically.. (I)learn by example. She passed away a couple of years ago. I am pretty sure she would be so happy to see me do what I do now..if she were alive, she would enjoy (volunteering) a lot.

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When the pandemic first struck, Frog Hollow’s Food Security Program struggled to find a driver willing to deliver emergency food bags to needing families in the community. Jose was one of the volunteers who signed up to help us deliver the food bags on a regular basis.

“I saw so many first responders, doctors, nurses, everybody was working so hard,” Jose recalled how he started. “I was trying to emulate what they do.. you know… (if)they can do that, I will try to do my part, even though it’s a small thing.”

Every week, after our staff packed food bags, Jose would come to Frog Hollow and pick up the bags and drop them off to the families in the Hastings-sunrise community.

After a few deliveries, Jose realized, this meant more than just receiving food bags, “I thought I’m just gonna be a delivery guy…but when I see their smiles, I started realizing they were really in need, and (the delivery) made a difference on their table…you got some acquaintance, you started talking, and they tell you their problems. This creates bonding. “

“He has this very cheerful spirit and vibe that brought some lightness to our families during these testing times.” says Eva, Frog Hollow’s Food Security Coordinator, “Jose has no idea how important his delivery was to these families. They are in dire needs for daily meals”.

Jose is originally from Columbia. He moved to Canada with his wife 20 years ago. He first worked as a roofer, then he got a Master’s degree that landed him a job at an engineering company. “I find we immigrants receive so much from the society…because of the resources, my kids are healthy, they are safe, and we just really want to give back”.

When Jose turned 50, he hit a low point in his life, “I am 50 and what I am gonna do with my life.. I was trying to find something… some purposes”. He went on iVolunteer website and signed up for volunteering opportunities at local charities and Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.

“I found that interesting… so neighbourhood houses and streets.. wow.. the side of Canada I didn’t know of”. Jose found purpose in this voluntary work and felt fulfilled. “It really helps me…I feel like I’m going to be part of this for as far as I can… I mean just some spare time, and I can still move a box. I want to do it.”

Jose and his wife have 2 kids. He sometimes brings his kids to volunteer, “..so they understood that people in need and .. with a little effort.. you can help so much. Though my son doesn’t come with me now, he sees what I’m doing. I think that’s gonna help him in the future.”.

Seniors Programs-Frogs in the Park

Phuong - Digital Literacy Volunteer

“Seniors Empowering Seniors”

Phuong is one of the few senior digital volunteers who has been supporting other seniors with their digital skills through our one-on-one digital literacy support program. 

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“I do not have good digital skills.” Phuong was humble about her volunteer work with the Seniors. “When you teach other people, you learn more yourself. When I was at work, I did have some computer experience, but not with Personal Computers. We used email. As for iPhone and iPad, I only picked them up after retirement, little by little.”

Phuong was born in Saigon (now known as Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam. She then left Vietnam to study Commerce in Japan where she met her husband and got married.

“After Vietnam became a Communist Country, many Vietnamese Students were stuck in Japan. We either stayed in Japan, or we had to look for a country to immigrate to. So my husband and I decided to come to Canada.” Phuong worked as an Import Clerk at a Steamship Company. Her husband, becoming a Mechanical Engineer in Japan, had to study Electronics Design in order to enter the Electronics field in Vancouver.

Phuong and her husband raised a son and a daughter who both went to the After-School Program at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.

After retiring from the workforce in 2013, Phuong started participating in Frog Hollow’s Seniors Programs. “There were so many Wellness Programs at Frog Hollow. The first Program I attended was Tai Chi, Monday to Thursday mornings from 8:15 – 9:00 “ she recollected. Phuong has become an active member of the Frog Hollow Community ever since.

“Many of our Volunteers are so humble. They have no idea how much of a positive impact they’ve brought to the Community. They are our treasures and I really honour their contribution.” Manda, the Family and Seniors Programmer at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House says.

Phuong was one of the Neighbourhood Safety Ambassadors for the “Vancouver Walk and Be Seen” Project, a Volunteer of the Chinese Community Response Network’s “Warmth Giving Caring Action,” and a Member of Frog Hollow’s Multicultural Senior Advisory Committee.

When Covid-19 struck 2 years ago, all of our Programs had to be moved online. Phuong signed up to become a Digital Volunteer, helping other Seniors to stay connected during these testing times.

“In the beginning, it was very hard. They (the seniors) were confused. They couldn’t tell the difference. How to use them (the apps) while each app was different from the others. After learning once, they had to use it multiple times in order to remember. Then after a while, they would forget. They would have to do it all over again. So we need to be patient and we need to spend a little more time with them.”

Besides helping at Frog Hollow, Phuong and her husband also volunteer at Mount Pleasant Community Centre setting up the Ballroom Dancing Group for Seniors. Phuong also loves dancing, swimming and hiking with her daughter.

Seniors Programs-Frogs in the Park

Connie & YJ - Kitchen Volunteers

It was so much fun chit-chatting, meeting new friends while cooking together at Frog Hollow’s community kitchen.

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YJ and Connie miss the laughter and chit-chat time at Frog Hollow’s community kitchen. They are 2 of the many neighbours helping out in our kitchen in the past years.

Preparing snacks and hot lunches for kids at drop-in sessions every week, cooking for holiday and special celebration events, we always have a group of loyal “master chefs” preparing yummy and nutritious food at our community kitchen.

Many are over 50 years old, immigrant grandparents accompanying their grandchildren to participate in our drop-in programs. While the kids were playing, grandparents naturally mingled with our staff, especially Carrie, who is in charge of food preparation in the kitchen. After a few times, they just become good friends.

Connie remembers the exact month and year she immigrated from Hong Kong to Canada, December 1974. Before moving to Canada, Connie works with her family, who runs a furniture business in Hong Kong. After settling in Vancouver, she had done various jobs including working at PNE, canning and sewing. Frog Hollow community kitchen brought so much great memories to Connie, “There were many volunteers in helping out in the kitchen. It was fun hanging out with them weekly.” Due to the pandemic, Connie has not been going out much nor to Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House. She misses the quality time spent with other volunteers and staff members in the kitchen. Connie is now enjoying her retirement life. She still enjoys cooking, especially experimenting with new recipes from YouTube.

YJ immigrated to Canada during the 90s with her husband, 2 sons and 1 daughter. Her hometown in China is the city of Pun Yu. Before moving to Canada, YJ was a farmer. She found a farmwork job in Delta after settling down in Vancouver, where she worked every day from 7 am to 10 pm. JY loves Yum Cha with friends and walking laps in the parks, and is busy taking care of the dog for her son.

“I have 10 volunteer certificates from Frog Hollow” JY is very proud of those certificates given to her by Frog Hollow. Frog Hollow hosts Volunteer Appreciation Dinner every June to recognize the great support volunteers have provided over the years.

As one of the kitchen volunteers, YJ always finds joy in helping out at our programs. “I was going on a month’s vacation back to China one time,” Carrie, Frog Hollow’s Family Programmer recalled, “YJ and Zheng Pak (another kitchen volunteer) covered me and took lead in preparing hot meals for the kids in drop-in sessions.” When asked why not ask other staff to do it, Carrie said, “They are so familiar with what we do with food preparation. I can count on them. So my coworkers can work with more families during the session while they take care of the meal preparation.”

Frog Hollow values all our volunteers we have a designated date to recognize their contribution! We haven’t had the in-person Volunteer Recognition Event in the past two years due to the pandemic. One thing for sure is that when we do, we will see the beautiful and proud smiles on YJ and Connie’s faces! We thank profusely our dedicated volunteers for being part of this vibrant community.

(Photo: Connie at Frog Hollow’s Volunteer Appreciation Dinner)


Samuel - Digital Literacy Volunteer

Volunteering helps you gain a sense of community…to give back to the community that has raised you.

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“Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House had been a part of my life,” says Samuel, one of our one-on-one digital literacy support volunteers at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.

Samuel was born in Vancouver, and his parents immigrated from China. Frog Hollow NH is the first organization he went to pre-school, on and off participating programs over the past 17 years of his life. Samuel’s mum also works part-time as one of our child-minders at Frog Hollow.

Samuel is currently a high school student at Vancouver Technical Secondary School. He is the secretary and instructor of the Coding Club in his school, where he hopes to spread awareness about computer science and teaches other people to use valuable skills in the real world.

Become a volunteer today!

Based on your interests, please reach out to the specific staff below to inquire how you can volunteer at Frog Hollow.

Childcare Program


Community Programs

(Family, Seniors, Settlement, Food Security and Waacus Salee Programs)


General reception and administration support


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