As the holiday season approaches, we are reaching out to you with a heartfelt request for your support in our annual Holiday Hamper Fundraiser. For over two decades, Frog Hollow has been committed to alleviating the pressing issue of food insecurity in our community. Last year, with the generous donations we received, we were able to provide holiday hampers to 82 families, making a meaningful impact on their lives during a challenging time.  

Food insecurity is not only a local concern but has become a national health issue in Canada [1], and our community is not immune to the ripple effects. In the recent years, several major factors have compounded the challenges faced by families in our area. The COVID-19 pandemichigh inflation rates, and an escalating housing crisis have placed immense pressure on families striving to put food on the table. 

  • Household food insecurity has surged by 39% since the onset of the pandemic [1] 
  • High inflation, increased rent and food costs disproportionately affects low-income families, leading to potential cutbacks in essential items, particularly healthy food.[2][3] 
  • In 2022, 1 in 4 children under 18 in the ten studied provinces lived in a food-insecure household, among which 21.8% of children under 18 living in food-insecure households in British Columbia, up from 16.9% in 2021 [3] 

It’s important to acknowledge that while financial constraints are at the core of food insecurity, this crisis often intersects with other critical factors, including racestigmatization and disabilities. We recognize that individuals and families from diverse backgrounds and circumstances can find themselves in need of support.  

While our Food Security Program consistently provides food bank items, bread and fresh produce to low-income families in our area, there is a long waiting list for this program. By joining hands and contributing to our Holiday Hamper Fundraiser, you will help us ensure our local families, regardless of their unique challenges, can experience the warmth and joy of the holiday season with respect and dignity. 


OUR GOAL: $15,000

From now until December 8th, 2023 – in time for Holiday Hamper distribution.

We accept monetary donations through credit, debit, cash, cheque or grocery giftcards.

Donate online:  (Please specify your donation with a note: “Donation to Holiday Hamper”)

Donate in-person (We accept cash, debit, cheque or grocery giftcards)

  • Now to December 8, 2023
  • 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Mondays to Fridays
  • 2131 Renfrew Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4M5


Donate by mailing a cheque

  • Address your cheque to “Donate to Holiday Hamper”
  • On the envelop, please write:

Attention: Holiday Hamper Fundraiser
Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
2131 Renfrew Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4M5
Tel: 604 251 1225

*Donations with a value of $25 or above will receive a tax receipt.


These funds will be allocated directly to families identified by Frog Hollow through gift cards and/or holiday hampers. Any donations made after December 8th will be directed to our Food Security Program, which provides emergency food assistance to families throughout December, January, and the coming year.

 *Examples of the support you could bring to families could look like this:
A Family of 1-2 members receive a $100 giftcard

A Family of 3-4 members receives a $150 giftcard

A Family of 5-6 members receives a $200 giftcard

Your generous support will enable us to expand our efforts and provide holiday hampers to even more families this year. We hope you’ll consider making a contribution to our Holiday Hamper Fundraiser and help us bring hope and cheer to those who need it most.

We thank you for your ongoing support of our program and wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

Eva Aboud
Community Outreach/Food Security Coordinator
Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
Phone: 604.251.1225 Fax: 604.254.3764
Cell: 604 761-9828

1. Tarasuk V, Fafard St-Germain A, Li T. Moment of reckoning for household food insecurity monitoring in Canada. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2022;42(10):445-9.  

2. The Conference Board of Canada, 2020

3. Proof. (2023, May 2). New Data on Household Food Insecurity in 2022.


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